Texture downlowds

I’m trying to add textures but I don’t know which ones to download or add to which Map.

I already know that the Normal…-Seamless goes in the NormalMap and I also know that the Roughness…-Seamless goes with the RoughnessMap, but I don’t know which one to add for MealtnessMap or for ColorMap.

Use the first “Albedo” image as the ColorMap.
I’m guessing since this texture doesn’t have any metal shading you should keep MealtnessMap empty.

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Then which one should I pick for ColorMap for this one

Here’s a quick explanation of the settings.
(Sorry if i misspell some words, i havent slept for over 26 hours)

Alpha mode

Determines how the texture is rendered on the surface of your object. By default it will be opaque regardless of alpha transparency in your color map, but you can change the mode to let light pass through the texture.

This is needed when making things like tree leaves, bushes, etc.

Color map

The color nap slot needs an image of the textures color. This can be either just any plain image you find of a texture, or sometimes you may see “albedo” or “diffuse” texture maps. Those go in the color map slot.

Albedo and Diffuse maps are different from a simple image because they have no highlights or shadows on them, its just the raw color value of the texture. (Take this with a grain of salt, theres more to it than just that)

Theoretically you should only put albedo or diffuse maps in the color slot of a PBR material but pretty much any map with thw textures colora will work.

Metalness map

This map determines what parts of a texture are metalic and which parts are diffuse. If the texture you are downloading doesn’t have a metalness map, then you can leave the value blank.

Normal map

This colorful map is needed for the computer to know how light should reflect off of the texture surface. Most downloadable PBR textures will have a normal map with them.

Roughness map

Determines how rough a part of the texture is. If the texture doesn’t come with it, you can leave this blank too.

You should download all your maps in 1k resolution, because anything bigger will simply be compressed down to 1k when uploaded to roblox.

But also think if you really need a PBR texture for smaller, more distant or less visible objects. The performace hit PBR makes on lower end devices is pretty significant if they are overused.

I hope this helped.
Good luck.

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