The Dot Cafe Interview Guide ®

:warning: Do not copy this for your group because our staff team have spent a long time making this script if you do copy it then we will find out and will take it down and there will be consequences! :warning:

:croissant: Hello and welcome to the interview guide! This is where you can find out what you need to say during a interview session and other info! :croissant:


Supervisor+ Can host
Board of directions+ Can help

Cashier+ can attend

Group Shouts:

[INTERVIEWS] An interview is about to start! If you are a cashier then you can attend! Good luck everyone! :woman_office_worker:

[INTERVIEWS] The interview has just finished! congratulations to those that where promoted! Why not go down to the cafe to be served from one of our new staff? :pretzel:

[INTERVIEWS] Unfortunately interviews have been s-locked, why not go down to the cafe for a hot chocolate! :chocolate_bar:

[INTERVIEWS] Unfortunately interviews have had to be cancled due to [REASON] Why not go down the the cafe for a refreshing decaf coffee? :coffee:

Host script

m PTS is now enabled, if you do not have a questions please refrain from speaking or we will have to kick you!

m Hello everyone and welcome to this interview session! I will be your host today guiding you through this session.

m I will give you 120 seconds to ask any questions, if you have a question then please state “PTS” in chat and someone will come and help you.

countdown 120

m PTS is now disabled, if you talk you will be kick from todays session!

m I will now go over the interview rules, please listen as it will help you in todays session.

m 1) Using grammar is required in all of our games, if you fail to use grammar today it will mean that your interview is an automatic fail.

m 2) Do not ask if you can rank up 2 times (e.g. Your cashier and you ask to be ranked upto Board Of Direction) This is a rule because we have had so many people ask if they can rank up twice and it is getting annoying now.

m 3) Do not be rude to any staff members because they have took time out of their day to train you so please be respectful!

m 4) Make sure to have fun because we want this to be an enjoyable experiance!

m Interviewers can go and pick a person to interview!

m Good luck everyone! We wish you the best of luck!

(Once all of the passers have sat down say all the below!)

Hello passers! This session is comming to an end now, follow me to take a group photo!

(Now just make it up, you can say: “Everyone say #Interviews!”)

Once you have done that make sure to shutdown the server and put in the logs who have passed!

Interviewer guide

Hello and welcome to this interview, my name is [USERNAME], before we start do you have any questions?

(Answer any questions asked)

Alrighty, lets begin!

  1. Why did you want to work here at the dot cafe?
  2. How did you find the dot cafe?
  3. What is the best thing about the dot cafe?
  4. Why would you like to rank up?
  5. If you could add 1 thing to the cafe what would you add?
  6. Do you play the dot cafe often?
  7. Why did you come to this interview?
  8. What is one thing you liked about this interview?

That’s the end of the questions, please wait while I check your answers.

Check the chat logs by doing “chatlogs”


Congratulations! You have passed todays session! Please wait whilst you get teleported to the promoter! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Unfortunately you have failed todays session due to lack of grammar but you can always try again! Good luck next time.

Unfortunately you have failed todays session due to one worded answers, you can always try again! Good luck next time.

Unfortunately you have failed todays session due to wrong answers, you and always try again! Good luck next time.

(Once you have finished teleport the person to the in-game promoter! If there is not one teleport them to the host)

Promoter Script

Hello I am the promoter for todays session! Please wait whilst I check your answers one last time.

Congratulations! You have passed todays session! Please wait whilst you get teleported to the promoter! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Unfortunately you have failed todays session due to lack of grammar but you can always try again! Good luck next time.

Unfortunately you have failed todays session due to one worded answers, you can always try again! Good luck next time.

Unfortunately you have failed todays session due to wrong answers, you and always try again! Good luck next time.

(Then promote them to the next rank)

I have successfully ranked you, please find a seat whilst the host finishes this session.

The Dot Cafe Portal

Last Edited: 08/03/2021 – 14:43 PM

Written and signed by:

Written by:

SpeedyVibess – Chairman

Signed by:

SpeedyVibess – Chairman

Magicpuzzle – Head Supervisor

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