The Noobish Times : 3/21/20 : Issue 1


by ToughCrazygamer12344

Combat Training!

On Saturday, 3rd Noob Division forces took part in a combat training at Camp Limited at around 10:00 AM PST. This training was to make sure all active members of 3ND were ready for combat.

The training consisted of combat between 3ND members split into two groups. I was able to get a short interview with vasilisalt, a Platoon Sergeant in the 3rd Noob Division.

He stated that the training was good for 3ND forces, and also gave them a good understanding of what they could expect in an actual combat scenario.

Congratulations bigdenny88!

In the past week, many changes have begun in 3ND. One example of change was the promotion of Support-class trooper bigdenny88 to the rank of Platoon Sergeant. bigdenny88 has shown outstanding leadership and activity during his time in 3ND.

Change Is Coming!

Last night, our General, ClassicMasterNoob, announced new changes to 3ND. 3ND is considering changing into a military instead of a militia. This is a big step for the group, which has a goal of becoming a prominent member in the Roblox community.

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