The Sith Order - Controls and Contributors

Q - Activate Lightsaber/Blaster
R - Change colour
G - Change form
CTRL - Backwards Roll/Forward Roll (for blasters)
Hold F - Sprint

𝐗𝐛𝐨𝐱 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐬:
Y - Activate Lightsaber/Blaster
X - Change Lightsaber Form
A / X - Jump / Double Jump
Left Thumbstick - Sprint
Right Bumper - Change Colour
Right Trigger - Attack/Shoot
Left Trigger - Block
D-padRight - Force Vision
D-padDown - Backwards Roll

TimelessAmarok - Owner and Scripting
SystemAmarok - Head Dev, Scripting and Security
DaviKaan - Building
VitreusAeulous - Building
DanielCalid - Morph GUI
rufusrastuslogan - Sabers and blasters

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