There are no videos for blender 3.2.1

Hi developers!

I have a problem, I do not know how to make a GFX using blender, there are no videos for blender 3.2.1

If you know any videos, please tell me! Or if you recommend another GFX making app, tell me too!
If there are any videos similar to what I am wanting show me them too!


Just use previous version tutorials. There is little change between 3.0 and 3.2, and better yet if you know where things are you can use even older (beyond 2.9) tutorials as well.


Oh Okay! Thanks! I will try that!

Okay so first of all. I think you should ask elsewhere for blender.

And secondly tutorial videos for version 2.8 and beyond still work and apply. unless we’re talking geometry nodes and denoising because stuff changed.

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Oh okay! I will try that to. Thanks!

There shouldn’t be any difference between Blender v3 and 3.2.1. You can just find videos on YouTube and they work perfectly fine.

Alright! I will try that. Thank you!