This is deleted sorry

sorry for my mistake guys,
I didn’t know it was wrong, and if I did I wouldn’t do it. thank you very much even to those who told me this was wrong
and I will not do it again

You’ll want to use a LocalScript here and Connect on MouseButton1Click of your TextButton, when it’s fired you should use FireServer on a RemoteEvent passing the Text (name of the Player to fuse with) of your input TextBox.

Obviously, Connect on OnServerEvent of that RemoteEvent and check if the Player exists (via Players::FindFirstChild) - if they do then iterate through GetChildren of the person who fired the RemoteEvent’s Character, Cloning and Destroying every Accessory Instance. Finally, use Humanoid::AddAccessory and add all of the new cloned Accessories.

An example of fusing would be:

local function Fuse(Player, TargetPlayer)
    local Accessories = {}; --// Array to hold the newly cloned Accessories

    for _, Child in ipairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do --// Iterate through every Child of the Character
        if (Child:IsA("Accessory")) then
            table.insert(Accessories, Child:Clone()); --// Insert the new clone into the array

    for _, Accessory in ipairs(Accessories) do --// Iterate over every new clone
        TargetPlayer.Character.Humanoid:AddAccessory(Accessory); --// Add it to the target player
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The OP asked how it would be done, didn’t explicitly ask to program the entire system as I haven’t done. It is fine to ask in this category how you can achieve something.

Oh, that makes a lot of sense. I’m fairly new, so I must have misread the guidelines.

This is saying Text.Character which is not a valid property of Text. You have to find the player in game.Players

for _, Accessory in ipairs(Accessories) do --// Iterate over every new clone
    game.Players[TargetPlayer].Character.Humanoid:AddAccessory(Accessory); --// Add it to the target player

Also this entire bit here

for _, Child in ipairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do --// Iterate through every Child of the Character
    if (Child:IsA("Accessory")) then
        table.insert(Accessories, Child:Clone()); --// Insert the new clone into the array

for _, Accessory in ipairs(Accessories) do --// Iterate over every new clone
    TargetPlayer.Character.Humanoid:AddAccessory(Accessory); --// Add it to the target player

could be changed to this. (without :Destroy because you never said you wanted to destroy the accessories

for _, Child in ipairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do --// Iterate through every Child of the Character
    if (Child:IsA("Accessory")) then
        local accessory = Child:Clone()
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