Hey guys!
Well Ive just started working on this new game idea and tried low poly for the first time, maybe you can help me improve it!
Hey guys!
Well Ive just started working on this new game idea and tried low poly for the first time, maybe you can help me improve it!
Looks good.
Maybe change lighting so colors don’t look washed out.
Maybe look for clouds thay match low poly landscape.
looks nice and simple, great job!
You could add some simple texture on to the green grass part. (And maybe the paths too)
It’s nice, you could add some leaderboards or donation board things, would also be a good place to shove a few ads.
For the lighting - to me it’s just, too bright, too much, add an Atmosphere, play with the properties, turn down the overall saturation with ColorCorrection -OR- give the world objects appropriate textures:
Unless your target audience is mobile device kids then it’s good - bright and colorful! Mr. Beast!
Like It, Great Building, the lighting the first time was bright to me so consider making it a bit darker!
Ive realized that the lighting was to bright too forgot to change it tho
Yeah thats also something needing to be changed
I basically dont want this to be a “walkable” lobby, Its where you cange your team and such after joining through me “main lobby”. But yeah lighting is something definitely needing to be changed