Thoughts on adding non-violent PvP content to my game?

I have a space game that is mainly a story-driven game where players have to go on missions in space. I, also, created other content in the game like spaceships that fly to other planets, and additional missions that are just collection tasks, side-missions or finding a place type of missions.

Most recently, I created a mini boss fight where players use different abilities to defeat a security guard named Gary.

Screenshot 2024-10-11 155914

My game is a non-violent PvE-based game. But, something I want to do is create non-violent PvP using the new abilities that I’ve made. I’d like to hear if there is an interest in a game that has non-violent PvP. What are your thoughts?

By the looks of it, “susceptibility to persuasion” seems like a non-violent stand in for health.
So yeah, it absolutely could work.
If it’s turn based, there’s a very real risk of a strong single meta forming, though i don’t know enough about the game’s ‘combat’ to say much else.

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Yeah, that is exactly right. It’s a stand in for Health. The HP bars in my game start at 0. Players have to use their Persuade ability to increase their opponent’s Persuaded bar to it’s maximum amount. Thank you for your reply, it helps a lot to hear what you had to say.

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