Thoughts on this GFX?

Thoughts on this GFX I made for a commission?


Looks decent man. I especially like the typed words. They look majesticc. However, you should make the character stand out more though. It feels as if the background, and the character are in “equal footing.” Perhaps make him a little brighter?


I agree with the person above me. It’s a really good font and a lot of things blend well, but there can sometimes be too much blending.
Try making the outline of the character white or something else to make him stand out more.


It’s pretty good!

Many of the other people are saying that you should make the character pop out more, but I personally think it’s fine. It already takes center stage.

My problem is with the title. I feel like the color blends too well with the background and I would personally make it a different color. You want the title to be as clear as possible.

I’m also not the biggest fan of the font. The background and character screams modern and vibrant to me, but the font reminds me of something rugged, gritty and worn out. I think a cleaner font would be better.

Great job overall!


It looks great. Also since this is a club game, maybe darker colors instead of a light blue?

Also having the character wearing expensive limiteds is a nice touch.


Thanks, I will consider this :slight_smile:

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The pixel quality seems to be a bit low and the background could be improved, the render itself could also be better. The words are good and fit well.

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This is super good! love it :D.

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