Throwing clone does not work?

So I have this script that when activated, clones a mag and then throws the clone, but it does not work. Any help?

local dog = script.Parent
print("destroyed weld")
local dog2 = script.Parent.Mag:Clone()
		dog2.Velocity = dog2.CFrame.UpVector * 60
		local weld ="WeldConstraint")
		weld.Parent = script.Parent.Mag
		weld.Name = "Mag_Weld"
		weld.Part0 = script.Parent.Mag
		weld.Part1 = script.Parent.Handle

How does it not work? Can you please elaborate?

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The “mag” just sits in my hand without being “thrown” and also it moves down a little each time (most likely from the welding process) I cannot think of an alternative or reason for this.

I’m not super familiar with velocity stuff, but you could try applying a BodyForce to the clone temporarily instead of changing the the velocity of the clone.

you need to parent the clone to the workspace or a descendant of the workspace for it to be viewed

--try this instead:
    local dog = script.Parent
    print("destroyed weld")
    local dog2 = script.Parent.Mag:Clone()
    dog2.Parent = dog.Parent
    dog2.Velocity = dog2.CFrame.UpVector * 60
    local weld ="WeldConstraint")
    weld.Parent = script.Parent.Mag
    weld.Name = "Mag_Weld"
    weld.Part0 = script.Parent.Mag
    weld.Part1 = script.Parent.Handle