Thumbnail Commission Feedback

Heya! It’s me again, AtrolicaI. Just a little starter post-

What am I working on? Well I’ve been getting ALOT of commissions lately, and I felt like sharing it!

It’s for a developers game, its a cake game or something. There’s also an image hidden inside the picture, can you find it? :eyes:

Also for some reason he posts it as a thumbnail on his game, and it gets ‘Content-Deleted’, yet there is absolutely nothing bad in it, just a few rigs and the cake slice gear from Roblox themselves, just recolored in gold and silver-ish.
How do I help him?


I think this looks great and I love it as it is so simple but it works very well. I also like the way you used the lighting.

The reason it may be content deleted is the people are naked and has no cloths on that is probable the reason why and the way to fix it is to add some cloths.

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Some feedback on the thumbnail is that it lacks a phrase that describes the game. I also think that some more detail could be added to the background.

Now regarding the moderation of it, like @LifeDigger said the people have no clothes on, which gives the impression that they are naked, especially the one on the very left. The middle one is normal since that is just a typical “noob” humanoid.

The rigs weren’t working so I just colored them in blender, they aren’t naked people, just colored differently.

They look naked. That’s the thing. Put some clothes on them or something.

Good point, thanks for the feedback, but none of them are naked, they don’t even have faces

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It doesn’t matter if you intended them to be naked or not, what matters is what it looks like to your audience. And to your audience, which is us and the Roblox staff, it looks naked.

Yes like @cwd30b put it does not matter if they are not supost to look naked but they do and that’s the reason it will not pass the moderation.

Okay I see what you mean now lol

Thanks for explaining it

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Looks great, amazing work! :+1:

Thank you sir!

Your work is cool too!