Thumbs Down Should Require More Gameplay Time

It seems that many down votes are from players who quickly jump into the game, barely play it or give it a chance, and then give it a thumbs down. Currently players can play a game for as little as one minute and then give it a thumbs down.

I think players should be required to play the game longer before being allowed to down vote a game.


Strong disagree. If i don’t like something i don’t want to be forced to stick around to give my vote.


This would make it fairly painful to downvote games that are merely a lot of flashing or other type of ‘troll’ games.


This suggestion would go along great with this thread:


It is a valid point. But I still wonder if there is a better way.

Any system that prevents players from disliking could potentially be exploited to falsely give the game a positive score. Say a botted game makes it to the front page but it instantly kicks you when you join. You wouldn’t be able to dislike the game because you didn’t play enough. I can imagine people would discover many more loopholes like this.


If this is honestly wanted it should be for both upvotes and downvotes. It wouldn’t be consistent if it was only one. Not to mention some of the problems that were already stated by others…

Requested many times before. Never going to happen as users aren’t going to stick around in scam games/etc to down vote them.

Every developer on every platform has to deal with this – you just have to learn from the players who are willing to give you feedback and improve your first time user experience.