Time slowing down gun?

so im REALLY bad at coding, and i want to make a simple gun (quite dont know how) and im working on a game where you can make “time slower”. I want to know how i could make the bullets travel fast when time is normal, and really slow when time is: yeah you guessed it slow

really easy…fire a remote event when time slows, change every bullet’s push force or whatever they are using to move slower and boom

example: search up rocket launcher, go to server, and at line 93 you will see that the projectile is using velocity, simply find the projectile, get the velocity and turn it down

Is it nerfing only the weapons’ projectile speed or is it Max Payne style gun time? The latter would require a more complex system involving changing player movement speeds and gravity, and for visual clarity, vfx/sfx to make it clear what’s happening.

Have a RenderStepped event to move the bullet

       bullet.CFrame * = CFrame.new(0,0, 2 * (dt*60) * game.Workspace.speed.Value)


being a numbervalue inside the workspace which value is your games speed multiplier