TimeLength bar help

Hey, how do I make a loading bar type thing for a sound?

I’ve tried doing Sound.TimePosition/Sound.TimeLength but that just makes the bar grow exponentially. Can anyone help out?

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Your code seems right tho, how are you changing the bar’s size?

this updates every second.

script.Parent.Size = script.Parent.Size + UDim2.new(Sound.TimePosition/Sound.TimeLength,0,0,0)

Oh, no that’s not correct. You don’t have to add a new UDim2 to the bar’s size.

Correct code:

   script.Parent.Size = UDim2.new(Sound.TimePosition / Sound.TimeLength, 0, 1, 0) -- also added the 1 on the bar's Scale Y size, remove it if it's unneeded
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sheesh, i am NOT myself today haha, thanks a mil m8!