Tool is invisible?


title says it all, whenever I equip a tool, it’s invisible. note that there are no errors in the output, the tool is just invisible :confused:
This is all in a local script - it’s a singleplayer game so most of the stuff can be done locally.

UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameprocess)
	for i, v in pairs(slots) do
		if input.KeyCode == v.Code and v.CurrentTool then
			local tool = v.CurrentTool
			if tool.Parent ~= char then -- if unequipped
				tool.Parent = char
				tool.Parent = frame:FindFirstChild(i)

any help would be greatly appreciated. Do note I can equip and unequip the tool without problem, its just the tool itself isn’t showing.

there’s about 250 lines of code above this that are sort of irrelevant to this, so that’s why I can’t send you the whole script.

It’s possible that the tool’s handle or mesh is not being properly attached to the character’s hand when it’s equipped. read below for things i did when i had this issue.

  • Check the tool’s properties: Make sure that the tool’s Handle and Mesh properties are not set to “Anchored” or “CanCollide”. If they are, the tool may not properly attach to the character’s hand when equipped.
  • Check the character’s properties: Make sure that the character’s “RightHand” and “LeftHand” properties are set to the appropriate parts. If they are not, the tool may not properly attach to the character’s hand when equipped.
  • Check the tool’s positioning: When the tool is equipped, make sure that it is positioned correctly in the character’s hand. If it is not, it may appear invisible or partially visible.
  • Check the tool’s visibility: Make sure that the tool’s “Visible” property is set to true. If it is set to false, the tool will not be visible even when equipped.
  • Check the tool’s transparency: Make sure that the tool’s “Transparency” property is set to 0. If it is set to a value greater than 0, the tool will appear partially or fully invisible when equipped.

If none of these solutions work, try printing out the tool’s properties (so pretty much just debugging) to the console to see if there are any unexpected values or errors.

if this fixes your issue, please select it as “Solution”

If you used the tutorial on how to animate tools by Headstackk then make sure that RequiresHandle is off in the tool. Also, check to see if the welds are being put into place.

If it’s a normal tool, check if the welds inside exist.

dont worry anymore, this system has been scrapped in the project for a more efficient system. thanks anyway!

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