ToolTips should support newlines

Looking at the BackpackScript.lua located here, the changes needed appear to be:

if ToolTip and tool:IsA('Tool') then --NOTE: HopperBin ToolTip.Text = tool.ToolTip local width = ToolTip.TextBounds.X + TOOLTIP_BUFFER ToolTip.Size =, width, 0, TOOLTIP_HEIGHT) ToolTip.Position =, -width / 2, 0, TOOLTIP_OFFSET) end


if ToolTip and tool:IsA('Tool') then --NOTE: HopperBin ToolTip.Text = tool.ToolTip local width = ToolTip.TextBounds.X + TOOLTIP_BUFFER local height = ToolTip.TextBounds.Y + TOOLTIP_BUFFER ToolTip.Size =, width, 0, height) ToolTip.Position =, -width / 2, 0, TOOLTIP_OFFSET - height) end

This calculates the height based on TextBounds instead of using a global.

local TOOLTIP_BUFFER = 6 local TOOLTIP_HEIGHT = 16 local TOOLTIP_OFFSET = -25 -- From top


local TOOLTIP_BUFFER = 6 local TOOLTIP_OFFSET = -9 -- From top

This removes the now-unused TOOLTIP_HEIGHT global and adjusts the TOOLTIP_OFFSET global to 16 pixels lower, so that the y placement is no longer automatically being adjusted.

Using newlines would allow us to include extra information about the tool in the tooltip, like ammo remaining or damage.