ToolWeld Plugin(Redundant)


So, I just so happened to be bored and while a game of mine was downloading I decided to learn how to make plugins. From there it turned into a couple hours of work into something that always frustrated me(People using weld scripts in their guns) and making a simplified welding tool for tools. It’s not really much now, I only made it in a couple hours, however I do feel that this could be useful to somebody, so I will advertise it here.


Thanks to EchoReaper for finding something better. I had no idea this existed beforehand.

How to use:

  1. Turn it on
  2. Select anything with the part “Handle” in it.
  3. Hit “Weld!”

Studio actually already has a tool to do this


Does this really cover all of the cases that the weldscripts do? I remember tools falling apart all the time. On equipping, or dying, or dropping.

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Huh, had no idea. Well then, I suppose one could just do that.