Topbar+ Importer Extension

Deleted $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


I’ve removed the tag from your title–that’s what the “optional tags” section is for. :slight_smile:

A short description for people that don’t know what Topbar+ is, could help. For now I don’t know what this is supposed to be.

I quick search could have answered your question

Although I don’t understand why a plugin is necessary to do this.

This plugin installs Topbar+ incorrectly:

  1. TopBarPlusLocal should be added to StarterPlayerScripts instead of StarterGui otherwise it won’t persist on respawn


  2. The modules in ReplicatedStorage don’t need to be added at all. This is what require(4874365424) does for you. You are essentially adding in Topbar+ modules twice, and using an outdated version.


  3. Your client script incorrectly indexes the Topbar+ modules. You’ll need to change it to the following instead:

local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local topbarPlus = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("HDAdmin"):WaitForChild("Topbar+")
local iconController = require(topbarPlus.IconController)
  1. The names of the modules should be Topbar instead of TopBar

Please can you also replace the plugin icon as this is not an official HD Admin project:

I appreciate you creating this plugin, however for the time being I recommend people not use this as it’s likely to create more issues than solve.