Topics taken down and bought back should be bumped

Another little nitpick i’ve been meaning to write about for a while was after my experience of making a tutorial in #resources:community-tutorials then my post was reviewed due the concern it was exploiting roblox’s algorithms before eventually being deemed as acceptable and being returned a week later, However this presents two issues.

Firstly this was a fairly new post, it was virtually unread and being realistic nobody scrolls up through 7 days of posts just out of boredom to see whats happening, Secondly, after 10 days the post become locked due to there having been 10 days since last reply, this personally is confusing since there are hundreds of posts unlocked with the lasts replies well over 10 days old, perhaps this is a side effect of a post being bought down, then bought back up. Regardless it killed the room for there to be a chance of reasonable discussion and feedback.

so what I suggest is if a post is reviewed, then deemed as acceptable when it is re-listed it should be bumped.

For obvious reasons im only referring to posts that have been taken down for more then a day, if it was reviewed in maybe under an hour its obviously not necessary.