Train Comparison feedback

Finished the engine from Le Transperceneige (Snowpiercer) and wanted some feedback, obviously speaking its not a 1-1 recreation as I messed up in the beginning and dont feel like redoing the whole thing

Comic Engine

My engine


(blue sky just used to show the amount of snow)

Give me your thoughts and how I can improve, Might post the interior once its done


Looks awesome @budmomo! I like the smoke you put around the snow to simulate the snow being pushed into the air. :train2: (By the way I don’t know if you would remember but @witherbrine20 == @teslac0il)


Sorry not sure who that is, Have we interacted in the past?

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Overall, this build is good. The only thing is the shape. In the reference image, the top is much more curved, and the train itself is a tall rectangle. However, yours looks much more like a square with rounded edges. I would recommend making the train taller, thinner, and less square.

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Yeah I kinda messed up in the begining and dont really feel like recreating it, I might later down the line however for now Im going to keep it as an original design

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Yeahhhh, So sad its no longer in development, I made a few hats for characters in the discord


Hey, just an FYI, personal interactions like this need to be kept in DM’s. These comments could (And should) be flagged.

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It’s perfectly fine to comment personal interactions and have fun in the comment section unless it’s just completely off topic from anything anyone was talking about. That’s what we in the biz call “trolling”.


Rounded the engine like you suggested, hows it look?

Looks much better! A lot more like the reference image.

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