Finished the engine from Le Transperceneige (Snowpiercer) and wanted some feedback, obviously speaking its not a 1-1 recreation as I messed up in the beginning and dont feel like redoing the whole thing
Looks awesome @budmomo! I like the smoke you put around the snow to simulate the snow being pushed into the air. (By the way I don’t know if you would remember but @witherbrine20 == @teslac0il)
Overall, this build is good. The only thing is the shape. In the reference image, the top is much more curved, and the train itself is a tall rectangle. However, yours looks much more like a square with rounded edges. I would recommend making the train taller, thinner, and less square.
Yeah I kinda messed up in the begining and dont really feel like recreating it, I might later down the line however for now Im going to keep it as an original design
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