my first attempt at modelling and texturing a full scene, i usually only model the cars like the one seen in this picture and also also my first time messing around with future lighting in studio, how’d i do?
holy CRAP. these graphics are amazing! I wish I could make something like that.
The fact that this is your first try amazes me, absolute amazing work, especially the 2nd picture, the textures and lighting definitely fits it.
how…? this is so good; well made and everything.
damn, looks great for your first attempt at modelling & texturing
For a first time it’s really good, but the rust’s height or normal map is a bit too deep on the green warehouse.
ah yeah thanks for pointing that out, i’ll be sure to be a little less aggresive when it comes to using height in upcoming projects.
The difference from day to night is so realistic.
And this is your first one??
Oh damn.
I do get the feeling that the everything is a little big oversized.
Absolutely gorgeous! Great work!
This looks great ! my only crit is that the lights look too blocky try using a mesh.
jeeeeez thats sick bro! keep up the work!
To be clear you said studio and not unreal engine