Trouble getting a gamepad to select UI textbuttons

If this ends up being a scripting question, let me know.

Basically, this is my UI:

With a gamepad I can successfully select the left arrow, but no matter what I try, I can’t select the right arrow or X. All of these UI elements are in the same frame.

What would you guys recommend? I’ve already attempted NextSelectionDown/Left/Right/Up in the properties window.

Have you made sure that the right button’s Selectable property is checked?

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Yup, sorry for not specifying. All of them have Selectable enabled.

Can you post a screenshot of the Explorer window with all of these things expanded?

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I’m afraid this may be a scripting question.

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OpenMusic is the last thing selected before switching over to the VolumeFrame UI.

Figured it out, it was because I didn’t set the OpenMusic button to non-selectable while it was invisible.

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