Trouble with changing text on multiple textbuttons with mouseEnter and mouseLeave

I’m trying to make text change on multiple textbuttons when the mouse hovers over it; mouseenter and mouseleave.

While I achieved this somewhat, it only does this for the first 4 textbuttons
Screenshot 2022-11-23 131830

So for example, the script works for wubba, ted, bob, pop, but none of the others,
This is the code I’m using, I have all the textbuttons inside of a folder

local folder = script.Parent.scriptbuttons 

for _, button in ipairs(folder:GetChildren()) do
	local buttontext = button.Text
		button.Text = "> "..button.Text
				button.Text = string.sub(buttontext, 1)

So Im wondering if there is a fix/way to make it affect ALL of the textbuttons inside the folder

EDIT: I tried messing around with ipairs and string(idk why I thought that would work to begin with) But to no avail

Also I tried taking all the textbuttons out of a folder and inside a frame instead but that just didn’t want to work either