local RandomMood = User.Moods[math.random(1, #User.Moods)]
With User.Moods being
Moods = {
Energy = 100,
Happiness = 100,
Hunger = 100,
Hygiene = 100,
[ bad argument #2 to ‘random’ (interval is empty)]
Looking at it from my point of view, there’s no reason why this shouldn’t work
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You cannot get the length of a dictionary using #. The dictionary is also not indexed by number. You will need to iterate over the dictionary and build an array of values to pick randomly from. The method you’re picking a random mood from also won’t retain information about which mood.
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You are using a dictionary instead of an array for User.Moods
, and dictionaries don’t have a length, or rather have a length of 0.
You might want to use either an actual array for your moods or a two-dimensional array, using the table returned as an interface, like here:
Moods = {
{Name = "Energy", Value = 100},
{Name = "Happiness", Value = 100},
{Name = "Hunger", Value = 100},
{Name = "Hygiene", Value = 100}
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Adding to what @qqtt991 Said, A simple solution to this would be
local elements = {}
for i,v in pairs(User.Moods) do
local randomIndex = elements[math.random(1,#elements)]
local randomMood = User.Moods[randomIndex]
While @ObscureBrandon and @qqtt991 's solutions may work I’d highly suggest to follow up on @goldenstein64 idea of a 2 dimensional array.
This follows highly favorable design patterns and the accepted idea that the less control structures you have to use in your code the better. Here’s a solution using his idea.
Moods = {
{Name = "Energy", Value = 100},
{Name = "Happiness", Value = 100},
{Name = "Hunger", Value = 100},
{Name = "Hygiene", Value = 100}
local randomMood = Moods[math.random(1, #Moods)].Name