Trying to make GUIs visible with in paris

I am trying to make GUIs visible with values something like this

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local player = Players.LocalPlayer 
local leaderstats = player:WaitForChild("toolLeaderstats")

local meelesButtons = script.Parent.Meeles.MeelesFrame
local gunsButtons = script.Parent.Guns.GunsFrame

local ClassicSwordButton = meelesButtons.ClassicSwordButton
local ClassicBombButton = gunsButtons.ClassicBombButton
local ToolValues = {
	ClassicSword = leaderstats.ClassicSwordValue.Value, meelesButtons.ClassicSwordButton,
	ClassicBomb = leaderstats.ClassicBombValue.Value, gunsButtons.ClassicBombButton

for ToolValueName, ToolValueCheck in pairs(ToolValues) do
	if ToolValueCheck >= 1 then

	   --Now I am trying to make the GUI visible--

		print(ToolValueName.." is open")

It works for the value but I dont have any idea how I could add the GUI here.

You can either do

Frame.Visible = true


ScreenGui.Enabled = true

yes the problem is getting the value of the who got >= 1

if ToolValueCheck >= 1 then

 if is the ClassicSword then make it visible if is the ClassicBomb then make it visible too

	print(ToolValueName.." is open")

is here any way to add the GUI inside the table and use it?

Ok nvm it works but I only have one problem

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local player = Players.LocalPlayer 
local leaderstats = player:WaitForChild("toolLeaderstats")

local meelesButtons = script.Parent.Meeles.MeelesFrame
local gunsButtons = script.Parent.Guns.GunsFrame

local ToolValues = {
	ClassicSword = leaderstats.ClassicSwordValue.Value,
	ClassicBomb = leaderstats.ClassicBombValue.Value, 

ToolGuis = {  
	ClassicSwordGUI = {gui = meelesButtons.ClassicSwordButton, guiLock = meelesButtons["ClassicSwordTool(Lock)"]},
	ClassicBombGUI = {gui = gunsButtons.ClassicBombButton, guiLock = gunsButtons["ClassicBombTool(Lock)"]}

for ToolValueName, ToolValueCheck in pairs(ToolValues) do
	print(ToolValueName, ToolValueCheck)
	if ToolValueCheck >= 1 then
		for GuiVisible, GuiLock in pairs(ToolGuis) do
			GuiLock.gui.Visible = true
			GuiLock.guiLock.Visible = false
			print("open".. GuiVisible)

When one GUI is unlocked other will be unlocked idk why


I only want to set the guis visible with value >= 1 (classicSword was with 1 and classicbomb was with 0 soo ClassicSwordGUI will be visible and the classicbomb not)

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