I am working on updating a turret that I made a while back. The movement is super simple, just uses :SetPrimaryPartCFrame(), however when I try to use the same script in the new turret it goes into a spaz (see gif below).
Any clue on how to fix this? I thought maybe it would be the mouse hitting other objects, so I tried using a raycast and excluding other objects, however that did not work either.
It is very difficult to figure out what the problem may be if there is no code provided (Specifically what causes the movement). All we can really do is assume if you have experience with such a problem.
Well, as I stated I am just using:SetPrimaryPartCFrame() which doesn’t require a whole lot more explaining. I am just using Turret:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(Base.Position,Hit) Base being the primary part and Hit being the mouse hit position.