TweenService Stopping Early

I have the end goal set to the orange part in the background, however the gray part is to detect if there was a goal. However if the tween position has to go through the part it stops at the gray part. I have the gray part to CanCollide false as well. Instead of using the part detector should I just check to see if it ever reaches a position value it detects a goal? If you know any other solution please let me know.

Thanks, Bylocks

So is the soccer ball moving or what’s being tweened here?

Yes the soccer ball is the part being tweened.

If you’re using position, change to CFrame.

Alright, well I mean have you tried using a BodyVelocity with unanchored soccerball? Or is this like a auto position thing? I haven’t done any tweening with parts, only guis.

From what I’m understanding is that the soccerball stops at the gray brick?

Edit: Also colbert2677 has a point.