Type Checking Tables

I am trying to create a type that represents an inventory item, but some inventory items have more/different attributes than others. In the scope that I’m creating the type in, I only care that the inventory item has a Type and a Name attribute. How can I enforce this using type checking without running into errors when the item has more than those 2 attributes? This is my starting idea, but from my understanding this will create a “sealed” table that doesn’t allow additional attributes.

type InventoryItem = {
	Name: string,
	Type: string,

function signature:
function AddItemDataToCache(player: Player, item: InventoryItem)

You could try this:

type InventoryItem = {
	Name: string,
	Type: string,
    [string]: any

Couldn’t you just use type() on them?


type InventoryItem = {
	Name: string,
	Type: string,
	[string]: { [string]: any }

local apple: InventoryItem = {
	Name = "Apple",
	Type = "Food",
	CustomAttributes = {
		Crunchy = true,
		HealthGain = 20

This should work fine

table isn’t a valid class type. It has to be represented as [string]: {} or [string]: {[string]: any}.

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Thanks I’ve never actually used type checking myself so I wasn’t aware I’ll fix it now.

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