UI Preview Plugin



  • Current Version: V.1.1
  • Release on: Feb, 16 / 20
  • Updated: Mar 14 / 20 (Jump)
  • Created By: Freeplay (me)

Currently Planned

  • Replace options with Context Menu
  • Attempt to use UIScale instead. since it also affects all frames inside, including text.

Updates will be made in the replies of this post.

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  • Update V.1.1 Released - Mar, 14 / 20

1. Grid now aligns with top left corner of frame
2. Nicer looking Scrollbar
3. Selecting a UIComponent now shows it’s parent frame
4. Other Minor UI changes
5. Enabled by defualt

  • Encountered bugs during development of this update

1. Not Solved Plugin would randomly select another object when resizing viewport
2. SOLVED! While scale-to-fit was active, selecting another object would sometimes keep the aspect ratio of the previous object

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I’ve realized that i’ve forgotten to remove something that would print numbers into the console, that has now been fixed, sorry!