UIAdmin: A new type of admin panel (Beta release)

Admin panels are becoming more and more popular. I would like to create this post since I am announcing the development of UIAdmin 3 has begun, but the current release of UIAdmin 2.1 isn’t quite the newest.

Important notice:

UIAdmin 3 beta 1 is now released. Therefore, you can download the MainModule and loader. Keep in mind that development of a newer interface is still in the works and is subject to change. The downloads are listed in the UIAdmin 3 section.

What is UIAdmin?

UIAdmin is an admin panel system that has been around since mid-2019 (UIAdmin 1 has been around since late 2018 but was never released). UIAdmin creates an easy experience for users who just want to simply kick exploiters with just 3 clicks, or for advanced users to customize it and make it their own (UIAdmin 3 feature).

Why Should I Consider Using UIAdmin?

Please read the details dropdown “UIAdmin development notes” below before taking advice from this section.
Unlike other panels, UIAdmin can not only kick or serverban users but it can also use fun commands such as exploding the target player or giving them some tools (possibly for an RP game).

That’s Great, how can I get it?

To organize UIAdmin versions, I will provide 2 dropdowns.

UIAdmin 1 & 2
UIAdmin 1

Unfortunately, UIAdmin 1 is not released and never will be. This version did not pass user and bug tests and was not available on the market when development started in late 2018. If you wish to see what this would’ve looked like if it was released, here’s an image:

UIAdmin 2

The internals of UIAdmin 2 were actually intended to be a VIP admin panel that was not originally made by me, but in its state, I decided to fix the model up and make it work, since I knew this model had potential.

To organize different versions of UIAdmin 2, select a version.

UIAdmin 2.0

UIAdmin 2.0 is currently the most popular version of UIAdmin, and by default required you to touch a giver to get admin. This model was meant for owner only rooms, but there’s nothing stopping you from creating your own admin giver by script.

Warning: UIAdmin 2.0 is out of support and no longer receiving updates. Switch to UIAdmin 2.1 for fully working features.

Link: UIAdmin v2.0 - Roblox
This asset is no longer available on the marketplace, I have provided the file to download it instead.

You can get the model from this download:

UIAdmin v2.0.rbxm (46 KB)

UIAdmin 2.1

UIAdmin 2.1 is the fixed version of UIAdmin 2.0, with draggable windows, tool support, and way more. Some non-operational features have been removed, but the majority of this model works. This version still includes the physical giver and does not include an automatic giver but includes instructions on how to properly set up the model.

Warning: UIAdmin 2.1 will reach its end of support on 1/1/2023. A warning will appear in the output about this. The giver will refuse to run on 1/1/2023, but the UI itself will not show this error and will run perfectly fine.

You can get the model from this link: UIAdmin v2.1 - Roblox

Alternatively, you can take this fork of the model provided as a file:
UIAdmin v2.1 fork.rbxm (45.1 KB)

UIAdmin 3

Disclaimer: UIAdmin 3 is still in development. This means that any material used in UIAdmin 3 can be subject to change at any time without prior notice.

How easy do you think an admin system can get? Does your current admin panel support plugins? Does your current panel support chat-based context recognition?

UIAdmin 3 brings you all of those things, and way more. This version will allow you to administer your game with ease, and it’s all in one place. You or your moderators will have their job made easy with the chat-based context recognition, and with the help of plugins will not have to run multiple commands at once. If you hate typing in the whole username, you don’t have to! If you hate typing and clicking in multiple boxes, just press enter; you don’t have to!

You and your moderators can be on their phone as well with the touchscreen compatible interface.


You can test UIAdmin 3 here: UI ADMIN - Roblox

Latest beta downloads:
UIAdmin3 v0.00beta3.rbxm (49.1 KB)

loader v0.00b2.rbxm (1.1 KB)
Note: You must download all of the included dependencies to run UIAdmin. Placing the MainModule and loader in ServerScriptService is recommended.

If the download to the beta version was updated and this broke some features, please let me know and I can provide you with an earlier version of UIAdmin to rollback the change.

UIAdmin development notes

If you want to put UIAdmin in your game it isn’t fully recommended… yet. UIAdmin v2.1 is running on some code over 6 years old, and UIAdmin 3 is still in beta.

I highly recommend checking if these models meet your criteria before using UIAdmin (due to reliability purposes):

BaseAdmin - Resources / Community Resources - DevForum | Roblox (Full-fledged command-based admin system which has the ability to load a modified version of UIAdmin 2.0 or the forcefield GUI)

SD Admin - Roblox (Early in development command-based admin system)

Romod - Resources / Community Resources - DevForum | Roblox (Moderation panel that has the ability to kick, ban, and warn)

If you want to send feedback or bug reports about UIAdmin 3, please reply to this post. If you want to send a bug report about UIAdmin 2.1, please reply to this post. Earlier versions are not accepting feedback or bug reports.


Very nice! The only thing I’m doubting is that it is the only admin panel used for fun commands, since there are admin panels such as HD Admin which can do almost everything.

Besides that, it is very nice!

I’m planning to integrate BasicCommands from BaseAdmin into UIAdmin 3, so if it’s on BaseAdmin it will also be available in UIAdmin. I don’t know when I’ll do this but I think it’s the best way to put commands in UIAdmin.

Hello everyone! I’m proud to announce that after milestone 5 UIAdmin 3 is now officially released into the beta 1 stage. This means that you can download UIAdmin 3 now:

Feel free to test this out and give any feedback.

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Based on the fact that the main point of the system is being a UI-based one, I think the UI could use some more work.

For example, a panel should not intrude the whole sceen with no transparency, as the admins could easily miss some important gameplay hints.

Yes, this can be fixed already by using the legacy UI, but that by itself isn’t the best one if you were to ask me; It offers no autocomplete nor command-feedback (return values or notifications), so it’s hard to tell whether or not the command was run unless you test it on yourself. How can you tell if the command has run successfully if you killed someone from over a 500 studs distance?

P.S.; With some testing, the ‘Admin’ button that brought up the full panel has disappeared after resetting, this could take a fix too before going into the mainstream.

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Thank you for the feedback! I’m currently working on beta 2 right now and I’m probably going to add in command feedback (like in my other admin system where it will display an error message on the screen if the command fails).

Many of the issues you mentioned are fixed now in beta 2, which will be released tomorrow.

I’m currently adding scaling support to the buttons on the left side, however. The main UI will have a fullscreen button and will be draggable once beta 2 comes out if all goes well.

Hello everyone. Beta 2 of UIAdmin is now released. You can download it here:

It includes improvements such as a maximize button for the main UI, the ability to run commands from the main UI, and the ability to run commands locally (this will be a feature that can be turned off in the future).

The sidebar buttons now have gradients to them, so they are more visually appealing. Additionally, the Admin button no longer contains the UIAdmin shield. This is intended to stay for beta and early releases of UIAdmin, but eventually the shield will be brought back.

A few bugs were fixed such as one that prevented the “Admin” button from showing up after respawning.

I’m aware of some scaling issues with the stats page on the UI. This will be fixed within the next few releases.

Plans for beta 3:

  • Equivelant to the BaseAdmin function “notifyplayersystemmessage” for UIAdmin’s client-sided UI (this will be used for command feedback).
  • General scaling fixes for the UI.
  • Option to open the legacy UI from the main UI.
  • Context recognition on the newer UI.
  • Possibly some suggestions from other users who give feedback.

As always, feedback is always appreciated.

Awesome admin panel the UI needs a bit of work though

Mind the lack of updates.

Beta 3 is released. Not a very significant update since I mostly work on BaseAdmin, but this beta phase will slowly progress. Not sure when it will be out of beta, but it’s going to be soon.

Beta 3 plans have been disregarded. Context recognition does not seem to be a feature that is currently in demand. However, UI Admin will still contain the current context recognition features in the legacy commands list.

I made some design changes that will likely be present in beta 4:

  • UI Admin will no longer contain the BaseAdmin ENV command v2 compatibility.

  • Commands handler will be remade to use the same thing BaseAdmin uses: the environment variable. Currently, commands each require an instance of a module they need, which is the same as what the open-source SD Admin does. This will be changed.

  • BaseAdmin plugin support will be moved to an extension module (probably via UIAdminServices). It will support plugin.plugins if all goes well.

Anyways, here’s the beta 3 update:

Navigation bar buttons are now smaller. I need to fix that version text clipping though.
Separators are now in an italic font. Many behind the scenes changes have been made to the UI such as the panels being added automatically. This was done for future navigation bar buttons being added easily and for user-generated plugin support in the future. It also opens up the possibility of dragging an item outside of the main window into its own separate window.

if you like a simplified bulleted list
  • Navigation bar buttons are thinner.

  • Separators are presented differently.

  • Behind-the-scenes changes involving instancing items instead of having them just exist. Opens future plugin support possibilities.

I’m planning to change the UI (especially the command executor format) to a more dynamic design. The current issue with the command panel is that it’s not designed for a PC user with a mouse, but rather a mobile user, along with the large buttons in the early milestone releases (they look nostalgic at this point). The focus will be shifted towards a more PC-like style, while still maintaining mobile support. UI Admin will also have a command bar for PC, and I will probably implement a function in the MainModule to directly integrate it with BaseAdmin for more PC-like functions. If you have any UX/UI ideas, please reply with them as I’m very open to suggestions in early development phases.

By the way, here’s the downloads:

Edit: expect some sort of autocompletion somewhere. Not sure where to put it.