Unable to change transparency under -1 manually or with a script

Hello guys! I ran into a problem that I can’t seem to understand whats happening.

I can change the transparency on the sphere on the left. Its parent is the workspace.

Problem: I can’t change the transparency of the sphere on the right past -1. Its parent is under a folder under the HumanoidRootPart under the character model. It is being welded with a WeldConstraint to the HumanoidRootPart. This ball part is spawned by a script.

Any solutions to changing the transparency of the sphere on the left? I would greatly appreciate it.

Transparency is a number between 0 and 1.
0 is opaque
1 is fully transparent

Changed: Changed: Unsure.

But could it be from the material? Because ForceField is partially invisible.

The sphere on the left can go under transparency -1, but the one on the right can’t go under transparency -1, and I’m confused why its like that

The left is able to go to transparency -100 with no problem. The script uses this sphere on the left to make a clone, so they must be identical.

Have you tried changing the material for a second and redoing it? It might be from the partially invisible material.

Just tried to change the material to another and rechanged the transparency. It did not work.