Unable to Upload new images for plugins [Fixed]

  1. Does the bug happen 100% of the time?
    For me, yes

  2. If so, are there steps that reproduce the bug? Please list them in very high detail.
    Very Simple, try to upload or delete an image for a plugin.

  3. Where does the bug happen (www, gametest, etc)

  4. Is it level-specific?

  5. Would a screenshot or video help describe it to someone? If so, post one. Not really

  6. For graphics bugs, it is sometimes helpful to know your system specs, especially graphics card.
    Not a graphics issue

  7. When did the bug start happening?
    If we can tie it to a specific release that helps us figure out what we broke. Not 100% sure… may be like a week or two ago.

I second this! It never works, I can’t update my plugin images… (it also doesn’t charge me so the button itself isn’t working).

Also it does not work in studio or Internet Explorer.

Bumping this up because its still not fixed.
This bug is really annoying me.

Bump Admins when will this be fixed?

I am passing this on to the web team to investigate, sorry that this took so long. No ETA on fix yet.

Thanks, I do not want an old image stuck on my plugin. :stuck_out_tongue:

This bug has been fixed, I was able to update the picture of my most popular plugin. :DDD

Lock please. :swag: