Undo will wipe MeshId from meshpart

A builder on our team has been frustrated by the following bug.

When importing a mesh (by inserting a meshpart and clicking the MeshId), he will scale and position the mesh in the world. 20-50 studio “actions” later, he does a “CTRL-Z” and the meshId will be missing.

The 20-50 studio actions did not involve the part that turned invisible.
Windows 10, in a team create session.

Notice the mesh visible here (large skeleton):

Later becomes invisible (bounding box still there):


Thanks for the report! We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hey there! I’m taking a look at this right now and was wondering if this is still a problem for your builder. If so, could you provide any additional info? Specifically, does your builder recall which studio actions he used before using ctrl-z to undo? Also, would you be able to screen record the bug happening?
I will do my best to reproduce this on my end!

He says he hasn’t experienced this bug in recent memory, although at the time of this post it was a daily issue.

Something might’ve been fixed! I’ll update the thread if it happens again