Unions won't clone

I have a GUI that copies a parachute in the player when you press it. It’s not a tool, it’s an UnionPart with a body force. The union clones successfully, but the clone is invisible.

It is here tho, the player gets anchored (added anchor to see if it works), but still nothing.

Here’s my script:

local pchar = player.Character
	local para = game.ReplicatedStorage.Parachute:Clone()
	para.Parent = pchar
	para.Position = para.Position + Vector3.new(0, 3,721, 0)
	local weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint", pchar)
	weld.Name = "ParaWeld"
	weld.Part0 = pchar.HumanoidRootPart
	weld.Part1 = para

Any ideas?

para.Position = para.Position + Vector3.new(0, 3,721, 0)

You have 4 numbers inside of your Vector3 value. (0, 3, 721, 0). This is most likely a typo, so once you fix this it should work fine.

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Basically, I’m French. I had to use the calculator to position the union perfectly on my test rig, and in france, number’s decimals are seperated by a comma, not by a full stop. And I didn’t notice this because usually I use the Google Calculator but used the Windows Search Bar’s one instead because it was quicker.

Thanks you alot!

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That was one of the issues, but not the only one. The union is still invisible.

Is the union actually being cloned into the player and is just invisible, or is it not being cloned at all?

It’s just invisible when cloned into the player.

Have you tried something as simple as just setting the transparency of the union?

Nope I didn’t because the initial union’s transparency is 0, trying…

Nope, it isn’t that. I also tried setting its parent to workspace, didn’t work.

I am stupid, like, really really stupid.

para.Position = para.Position + Vector3.new(0, 3,721, 0)

Basically, I am just raising the parachute’s position 3 studs up, the correct code would have been

para.Position = pchar.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Vector3.new(0, 3,721, 0)
para.Position = para.Position + Vector3.new(0, 3,721, 0)

Could you be trying to set the parachutes position to its position + 3.721y instead to the players humanoidrootpart positions + 3.721y?

Exactly what I just said in that post:

Well, sorry for taking for your time for such a stupid issue ._.

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No worries mate, and sorry I reposted the exact same thing, we sent the messages at virtually the same time.

Yep, right when I clicked “Reply” I saw your post.