Unions zfighting and MeshParts turning black on mobile

Update: Partially solved. Most likely device related and impossible to fix without ruining the builds.

A small building/modeling bug, albeit an annoying one. Only visible on low-end devices, not Studio. I can send a video or link to the game if needed.

  1. I built something recently and CSG was used to make the roof. There’s a ceiling layer below it. They do not overlap but they zfight anyway, especially at the edges. They flicker when the camera moves.

  2. I have mountains in the background. They’re made of two MeshParts. Parts of them turn black but they’re supposed to be gray. It may have to do with the atmosphere I’m using (density is 0.3 and offset is 1) or broken shading.

zfighting is ur headache meaning is ur fault while building just fix the size and try removing the atmosphere and see if any change occurs in the mountains

For the zfighting, just lower the ceiling from the roof a bit, and I think that should help. I believe that the mountains issue has to do with rendering, and that if you turn render settings up it should fix itself.