Updates to the Forum Nominations Process

EDIT (Dec 2018): It has come to our attention that this thread is currently outdated. Anyone that wants to join the Developer Forum should simply submit an application, review this thread: How to join the Roblox Developer Forum

We do not currently accept any kind of nomination. The application procedure is more accessible than it used to be and nomination requests should not be necessary for any able developer to get into the forum.

Hey Developers,

Nominations aren’t as robust as we’d like them to be. They don’t always provide nominated users a chance to make a case for themselves, or even establish if they want to join the developer forum. The current non-standard format of Nominations also slows down the review process of applications and increases the process time for nominations. Overall the entire process isn’t scalable and due to this it has been reviewed less as of lately. To address these concerns, all nominations should only be submitted after the nominee has filed an application we can reference.

This will:

  • Allow nominees to personally pitch why they wish to join the forum.
  • Ensure we respect their wishes on whether they want to join the forums or not
  • Speed up the process time for nominations since application ensures we have all necessary information, and in a good format

Issues Resolved:

  • Users are passionate about inviting their friends to the forum, so it was difficult to express criticism without starting drawn-out arguments.
  • The nominations category wasn’t designed to scale well, and as a result we are unable to process them as quickly as applications.
  • Nominations with users who have not submitted an application increases the processing time.
  • Criticism posted is not at risk of being shared publicly with the nominee.

Next steps?

In order to allow you to provide any feedback you’d like, the yes’s and no’s for nominations will be handled privately in addition to requiring a submitted application. Anyone who wants to nominate a user will send a PM to the Top_Contributor group pitching why the nominee is a good fit for the forums. If you wish to nominate a user, or have reason to dispute a new member’s acceptance, please do one of the following:

  • For nominations: Group message a Top Contributor, please make sure the user you are nominating has submitted an application to join the Roblox Developer Forum.
  • For disputes: Group message a member of the Developer Engagement Team regarding the user in question, or email devrelations@roblox.com. Please include any information you wish to provide.
  • Our Top Contributors will be handling the nominations process, along with the nominations of those recommended for the member role set if they are currently listed as a New member. You will notice the addition of new Top Contributors into the program in the coming months. Stay tuned for more details! :wink:

New Nominations Process

  1. Ensure the nominee has already filed an application.
  2. Send a nomination Group PM to the Top Contributor group
    • Invite anyone you think can provide valuable input for the nomination PM
    • Draft your PM like you would if it were a thread. Make your case why you think the nominee is a good fit for the forums. Tell us about the experiences you’ve had working with them, and how they’ve helped you on the platform. You can also include examples of their work, but they’ve likely included what they believe best represents them in their application.
    • This is not limited to joining the forums, and you can nominate users to be promoted to member. You can learn more about the New Member program here.
  3. If you notice a user that we shouldn’t have accepted, send a Group message to a member of the Developer Engagement Team regarding the user in question, or email devrelations@roblox.com.
    • Invite anyone you think can provide valuable input
    • Provide facts easy to verify (e.g. direct link to incidents)
  4. We are expanding nominations to include the New Member role set, if you believe that a New member has shown exceptional progress and development, please do not hesitate to inform a Top Contributor in a similar format to a nomination.
  5. Any users we receive feedback for will be re-evaluated

For featuring nominations please continue to use the featured sort game nomination process.


Are you going to process all of the remaining nominations?

  • Yes

What if others want to show their support for the nominee as well?

  • You can invite them to the Group PM chain too!

Can I invite the nominee to the PM?

  • Unfortunately we prefer if the nominee does not have access to their nomination in the case of unique scenarios where we deny the nomination.

Developer Relations Team



  • Nominees get a voice in their nomination
  • Faster processing of nominations
  • No more leaks
  • Pitch why nominee is a good fit without the hassle of justifying nomination to subjective views of what qualifies as a member
  • Still able to provide concerns about nominated users, minus the drawn-out arguments in response to your criticism

Elaborating on the OP: Since the nomination is a PM, we lose the ability to receive community concerns about the nominee. Top_Contributors will point out any concerns they have before handing off to DevRel, but we’re relying on you to send a group PM to the DevEngagementTeam if we miss anything.


how will we request featured games nominations without the category again?

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We haven’t used the featured games nomination category in some time. Right now the current process is an email application. You can find a link to the process in the section above the FAQ in the original post.


got it, thanks!

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This seems great, will this mean there is less reliance on knowing someone already in the forums? I feel like people with good relations socially have an advantage in the applications process even if they have inferior skills or potential contribution.

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I think this is better in general. The system used prior to this one just feels messy. This is a lot more streamlined and caters to the new devs. I think this new system is good, so long as we can keep the sort of same “quality control” (I don’t have much of a better term) across the board, since the highly-viewed standard of being a full member can really help to paint the picture for what a great game generally has, which is a great resource for the new people coming in.


Knowing someone on the forum hasn’t been too much of an advantage for some time. Right now, nominations are much slower to process than applications, so applying via nomination instead of application would actually take you longer. Nominations were more of a short cut when the forum was smaller, but that’s not the case anymore.


Question though. Wouldn’t it be bad if someone nominated a person and only let people who would give positives into the group pm? What if like someone disagrees about that person and they won’t in the group pm? Nobody would know that person is getting nominated or who would disagree. Just something to consider.

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We’re relying on a similar PM from anyone who has concerns of the user as well, which again, you can invite anyone to if you feel they can provide good feedback. I explained this more in detail under the TL;DR above.


So, the way I’m reading this, is if I see someone on the DevForum who doesn’t belong persay, maybe due to some shady dealings, or claimed work that isn’t their own to receive access or the likes, I should e-mail DevRel providing those facts? Just making sure this is clear. Like, this is what to do for already accepted Members/“New Members” (Basic Users)?

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Yep, email devrelations@roblox.com or PM the DevEngagementTeam group when you find information like that for anyone: members who have just been accepted or someone who has been here for ages.


What does this mean exactly?

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It could mean any number of things, which probably won’t obvious to everyone, such as the user’s behavior; claims of plagiarism; or anything which could otherwise prevent their acceptance into the community.


Okay so hold on, I made a nomination back in november, how should I know wether it has been accepted or not, or wether I should make a new one. The nominee hasn’t applied, and was only nominated. Should they apply? What are they’re next steps? Mine?

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Something I’m not quite understanding though is how it is possible to prevent a nomination from happening (with evidence and all that) if the nomination itself is private? Are we supposed to think of all users we’d never want to see here and pm evidence for it preventively to the top contributors? Or are nominations made known before being accepted after initial review?


If the user is not in the forums, then their nomination was either declined or will be picked up by the forum staff when they go back through Member Nominations and process all unreviewed submissions. No need to file another nomination.

You send us a PM after they’ve been added to the forums. This way not only can we address problem users that were nominated, but also problem users that were not nominated and only sent in an application. Someone’s forum access can just as easily be revoked if it turns out they’ve been misbehaving on the site.

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