uQueueService (v0.5) - Easy queueing of players for teleporting


uQueueService, or QueueService Unofficial, is a branch of QueueService, made by RequiredModule to better fit one’s needs, be cleaner, and have more features than it’s predecessor.

The goal of uQueueService is to make queueing up players for teleportation easier by turning Queues into an object that can contain players. Hope this module can help! Please let me know if you have feedback for me or bugs to report.

This module has not been tested heavily. Please let me know if there are any bugs.

Documentation here

I have put the rbxm file on GitHub, since the module contains other module scripts that need to be required for the module to work, and therefore cannot be published onto the roblox marketplace. Sorry for the inconvenience. If there is a better way, please let me know the method!
(I have not learned Wally or Rojo, so for now I will not be using it as an installation method.)

Link: GitHub - untroublee/uQueueService

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