Urgent please help

I just a extremely big chunk of parts in my game maybe like 10000 assets and my game crashed while doing it is there any way to get them back it doesnt let me control z or anything im actually so sad.

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@thothboy You could revert the game back to a previous saved version where it was before you loaded the big chunk.
Go to Studio, click the “…” on the top right of your game. Click “Configure Place” then click “Version History” That is where you can find it.


I don’t know if you have ever had that feeling when your heart just drops and you get this horrible shiver but that just happened to me I thought I lost a week’s work of game progress love you for that man you just made my day. :smiley:

Yeah Np! I had this happen to me once as well, I freaked out and if I didn’t have a friend experienced in this field, I would’ve lost it! I’m happy to make your day happy!