US Supreme Court - Update Log

Whats new?

Extend Round Update Previously rounds could be extended to a maximum of 30 minutes, now the max a round can be extended to is 20 minutes, and only 2 extensions per round. Private server owners can still use the panel to extend time to a maximum of 60 minutes, with no limit to keep extending it.

Time Played Leaderboard Want to showcase how long you’ve spent in game? Now you can!

Tutorial UI revamp The tutorial UI is looks better than ever!

Thing to look out next update

  • New Marshal tool
  • New cases and system
  • and more!

Go check out the game!

Bug Fixes and Minor Changes

  • Lead moderator now has perm ban hammer
  • Justice voting menu goes away once you vote
  • On the panel moderators can’t configure countdown, remove barriers, or allow counsel to walk
  • Other improvements and bug fixes