Hello, I could not find a similar article on here regarding my concern, so I am going to ask anyway.
I am currently working on a survival horror-satire game and blood plays a minor role in the game (blood stains on walls, signs, etc.) However, despite the “no realistic gore/blood” rule, the rules for it appear to be somewhat odd to me due to the fact that some people have even claimed that minor depictions of blood can result in moderation.
In my game, blood is depicted as purple or pink, not red or reddish at all (this is also in reference to a series of games I am into). My blood is not graphic or realistic but can appear as large splatters or smaller splats on walls, signs, and objects as textures while being clearly differently colored. Is this likely to get moderated or not?
Hello, i am too interested in this topic, Im working on a “brutal” tps game which contains cartoonish representation of gore. And i dont really know how far i can push it until its too far. Its type of gore is heavily inspired by an adult cartoon “happy tree friends”. I just think it nicely contrasts classic roblox colorful artstyle.
(don’t hold me to any of this, i’m not 100% sure about any of this stuff)
i think you can use as much blood as you want (or at at least a decent amount) as long as it isn’t realistic. however, if you make the game 13+ or 17+, i believe you can just go nuts with it
and considering that the blood is purple (fnaf?!?!??!?!?!?), you could probably do this without getting oofed by the moderation bot
When accessing a games settings on create.roblox.com there is a Questionnaire tab under Audience, from there you can fill out some questions and it will recommend an age restriction and other information like non compliant regions. After filling it out on one of my test games with what you described, the content should be fine for 13+ restricted games. 17+ might be required if your game fits closer to Roblox 17+ Policy Standards.
TL;DR set your game to 13+ or maybe 17+ if it’s heavy blood usage, and you can use realistic blood (no official information on whether discoloured blood counts or not)