I view dev through “Recent Topics” exclusively – I don’t venture into any of the subforums directly. I got really tired of some of the phenomenally useless exploit reports that pop up on recent, some particular users’ threads, and general “pls make this a limited item” threads (which thankfully I haven’t seen in a long time). Though, believe it or not, there’s more than one browser, so I opted not to make a plugin. I made a userscript that can be run through Greasemonkey on Firefox/Chrome and any other Javascript injector plugin on other browsers (not sure if Greasemonkey is available for Opera and other browsers.)
The userscript allows you to automatically delete threads posted by any given user, threads whose titles contain any given phrase, and threads that are posted in any given category (e.g. you can block all Lounge and Exploit Report threads). The blockedForumCategories and filteredPhrases are all case-insensitive.
You can find the userscript here
After you’ve installed GreaseMonkey, click the arrow next to the GreaseMonkey icon and click the “New User Script” button:
Name and describe the user script however you’d like, and for the “Includes”, select the pages you want the user script to take action on.
Since I only view dev through “Recent Topics”, I only include recent* – the asterisk at the end of the line means that it will include that url and any url that begins with what you’ve entered (e.g. /forum/recent/page2). However, you may include any other page, or just dev in general if you want it to be active everywhere. Do keep in mind that if you block “Exploit Reports” and include every page in the userscript, every thread on “Exploit Reports” will be deleted, so make sure you add it to the excludes list if you don’t want the threads to be blocked on that pages. After you’re done, click “OK”.
The script editor should now have popped up – paste the code from Pastebin into the editor window:
You can add users to be blocked in the blockedIds array, block particular forum categories in the blockedForumCategories array, and block particular phrases in the filteredPhrases array. Just to re-iterate, filteredPhrases and blockedForumCategories are case-insensitive. After you’re done editing the script, click save, close the script editor, and refresh your RBXDev pages that are currently open, and all of the threads you specified in the script will be filtered and deleted.
You will run into groups of threads with the same background color because the one with the different color between them has been filtered and deleted. It also does not re-populate the list with threads from the next page. This shouldn’t be too much of an issue because even when I had five threads blocked on one page there was still 15 threads, which is a reasonable amount. I haven’t bothered re-coloring the frames because it’s not much of a bother to me, and I don’t repopulate the current page with threads from the next page because that would involve HTTP requests that I don’t want to have to deal with. You’re very welcome to edit it yourself though if you want to change either of those.
I remember there being a big stink about removing the lounge on dev and some threads asking if we could block certain people such as this thread, so when I made the script to clean up recent, I thought I’d share. Have fun.