Using animations for shaking camera

Hello, I am working on a FPS Framework and I need to shake the camera using the animation itself. The viewmodel has a “CamPart” which is welded to the PrimaryPart of the model(“HumanoidRootPart”). I have tried every other possible way of doing this but I can’t find it. I am not looking for entire scripts or frameworks, especially “EZ camera shake”, I have looked at it and did not find what I’m looking for. Please help me.

Try to find source codes of other fps engines.

How am I even supposed to do that?

ACS and CE uses camera shakes try to read their codes.

Can you link me to it please maybe the devforum posts?

Try to search toolbox for ACS by @00scorpion00 and CE search carbon engine plugin.

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I think you can’t read codes of CE as they are obfuscation.

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I can’t find a single thing in those mazes

I know that. Have u tried to see devhub about, Cframe