Utf8.upper and utf8.lower

As a developer, it is currently impossible to automatically turn non-English characters uppercase or lowercase.

With the introduction of automatic localization, it is crucial to me as a developer that my GUIs are consistent.

A real world example is if you had two localization entries for “Red” and “Brown”. In game, however, in some cases you might want them to be uppercase (“RED” and “BROWN”). In English, you can easily use string.upper.

Now let’s say you want to localize your game. You translate “Red” to “Rojo” and “Brown” to “Marrón”. In your same code that turns the colors uppercase, “Marrón” will NOT get turned into “MARRÓN”. Rather, it gets turned into the unsightly “MARRóN”. Likewise with string.lower.

I propose to either create utf8.upper and utf8.lower or to extend off of the default behavior of Lua’s string.upper and string.lower (might be a bit more tough).


Hi. Bumping this because I have ran into this issue recently.

This is my workaround.


Hello. Also bumping the thread because I ran into this issue too, and @Quenty’s workaround only accounts for à, á, â, ã, ä, å, æ, ç, è, é, ê, ë, ì, í, î, ï, ð, ñ, ò, ó, ô, õ, ö, ø, ù, ú, û, ü, ý, þ, ā, ă, ą, ć, ĉ, ċ, č, ď, đ, ē, ĕ, ė, ę, ě, ĝ, ğ, ġ, ģ, ĥ, ħ, ĩ, ī, ĭ, į, ı, ij, ĵ, ķ, ĺ, ļ, ľ, ŀ, ł, ń, ņ, ň, ŋ, ō, ŏ, ő, œ, ŕ, ŗ, ř, ś, ŝ, ş, š, ţ, ť, ŧ, ũ, ū, ŭ, ů, ű, ų, ŵ, ŷ, ÿ, ź, ż, ž, ſ, ƀ, ƃ, ƅ, ƈ, ƌ, ƒ, ƙ, ƣ and ơ which isn’t enough for me.

Casing.rbxm (57·3 KiB)

From International 2.4, I’ve added toLocaleLower and toLocaleUpper as a workaround for this. Here’s my workaround without locale:

local casing = {
	caseMapping = require(script:WaitForChild("caseMapping")),
	moreAbove = require(script:WaitForChild("moreAbove")),
	specialCasing = require(script:WaitForChild("specialCasing")),

local function concat_utf8(self)
	for i, v in ipairs(self) do
		self[i] = utf8.char(v);
	return table.concat(self);

local function code_utf8(self)
	local ret = { };
	for _, c in utf8.codes(self) do
		table.insert(ret, c);
	return ret;

local function replace(copy, self, old, new, max, i, j)
	old, new = type(old) == "table" and old or { old }, type(new) == "table" and new or { new };
	local ret = copy and table.move(self, 1, #self, 1, table.create(#self)) or self;
	local i0 = i and (i - 1) or 0;
	local count = 0;
	while i0 do
		i0 = table.find(ret, old[1], i0 + 1);
		if i0 then
			if j and (i0 > j) then
			local match = true;
			if type(old) == "table" then
				for i1, v in ipairs(old) do
					if ret[i0 + i1 - 1] ~= v then
						match = false;
			if match then
				local repl_len = math.min(#new, #old);
				for i1 = 0, repl_len - 1 do
					ret[i0 + i1] = new[i1 + 1];
				local i1 = i0 + repl_len;
				if #old > #new then
					for i2 = 1, (#old - #new) do
						table.remove(ret, i1);
				elseif #new > #old then
					for i2 = 1, (#new - #old) do
						table.insert(ret, i1 + i2 - 1, new[repl_len + i2]);
				count += 1;
				if max and max > 0 and count >= max then
	return ret;

local function is_latin(c)
	return c and ((c >= 0x0041 and c <= 0x005A) or (c >= 0x0061 and c <= 0x007A) or (c == 0x00AA) or (c == 0x00BA) or (c >= 0x00C0 and c <= 0x00D6)
		or (c >= 0x00D8 and c <= 0x00F6) or (c >= 0x00F8 and c <= 0x02B8) or (c >= 0x02E0 and c <= 0x02E4) or (c >= 0x1D00 and c <= 0x1D25)
		or (c >= 0x1D2C and c <= 0x1D5C) or (c >= 0x1D62 and c <= 0x1D65) or (c >= 0x1D6B and c <= 0x1D77) or (c >= 0x1D79 and c <= 0x1DBE)
		or (c >= 0x1E00 and c <= 0x1EFF) or (c == 0x2071) or (c == 0x207F) or (c >= 0x2090 and c <= 0x209C) or (c >= 0x212A and c <= 0x212B)
		or (c == 0x2132) or (c == 0x214E) or (c >= 0x2160 and c <= 0x2188) or (c >= 0x2C60 and c <= 0x2C7F) or (c >= 0xA722 and c <= 0xA787)
		or (c >= 0xA78B and c <= 0xA78E) or (c >= 0xA790 and c <= 0xA793) or (c >= 0xA7A0 and c <= 0xA7AA) or (c >= 0xA7F8 and c <= 0xA7FF)
		or (c >= 0xFB00 and c <= 0xFB06) or (c >= 0xFF21 and c <= 0xFF3A) or (c >= 0xFF41 and c <= 0xFF5A));

local function toupper(self)
	for i, v in ipairs(self) do
		self[i] = casing.caseMapping.upper[v] or v;
	for old_value, new_value in next, casing.specialCasing.upper do
		replace(false, self, old_value, new_value);
	return concat_utf8(self);

local whitespaces = { 0x0009, 0x000A, 0x000B, 0x000C, 0x000D, 0x0020, 0x0085, 0x00A0, 0x1680, 0x2000, 0x2001,
	0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200A, 0x2028, 0x2029, 0x202F, 0x205F, 0x3000 };
local function tolower(self)
	for i, v in ipairs(self) do
		-- Final form of sigma
		if self[i] == 0x03A3 and is_latin(self[i - 1]) and ((not self[i + 1]) or table.find(whitespaces, self[i + 1])) then
			self[i] = 0x03C2;
			self[i] = casing.caseMapping.lower[v] or v;
	for old_value, new_value in next, casing.specialCasing.lower do
		replace(false, self, old_value, new_value);
	return concat_utf8(self);

return {
	ToUpper = function(str)
		return toupper(code_utf8(str));
	ToLower = function(str)
		return tolower(code_utf8(str));

Thanks! Are you ok if I merge this code into my UTF8 library under the MIT license?

Yep I’m ok with it. (30 char limit).


(reposting from topic I made as I didn’t realize it was a duplicate)

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to ensure efficient and reliable case conversion between lower and uppercase characters that are represented by >1 byte.

This is a very simple feature request. As is commonly known, some of the string library’s functions generally are only guaranteed to work with 1-byte characters, in this case the relevant functions/bases of this feature request are the upper/lower functions. Without writing a custom upper/lower implementation, it is not possible to catch every possible lower/uppercase letter and switch it to the opposite case form.

The characters that are most commonly affected by the string library’s limitations are largely non-Latin characters. The major non-Latin languages that use upper and lowercase forms that I can think of that have applications in Roblox are the Cyrillic (Russian, Ukrainian) alphabet and the Greek alphbet. That being said, there are still Latin characters that take up more than 1 byte (the Latin extended unicode blocks).

Details aside, the utf8 library’s functions are designed specifically to function with every valid UTF-8 encoded character. As well, there are many UTF-8 library functions that correspond with string lib functions (utf8.graphemes = string.gmatch, utf8.char = string.char, utf8.codes = string.byte, etc…) thus this function would fit right in with the rest of the library’s functions.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would have an option that allows me to easily convert every Unicode character from upper to lowercase and vice versa.

Some use cases that these functions would solve

1- Wanting to add tone to a string. If you want to represent someone screaming, typically you’d do so with uppercases. A workaround could be to use rich text tags (<uc>) however rich text tags do not allow for case conversion. We also don’t have a lowercase tag if someone did want to convert a string from upper to lowercase.

2- Wanting to manipulate a string. Some time ago I came across someone in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support wanting to replace a character that is preceded by a caret (^) with an uppercase letter. They noticed the string library did not catch most characters with diatrics.

I’m sure there are more use cases but these are the ones I’ve encountered firsthand thus far.