V 0.0.1 survive the giant!

A game that was in its [beta] phase

Your native language SPANISH
This game is to survive a giant each player has his weapon to defeat the giant the game contains 4 gamepass VIP X2 DOUBLE JUMP, SPEED and ADMIN COMMANDS
These passes give a better experience to defeat the giant, they also have their table of “TOP PLAYERS WITH MORE MONEY”
At the moment of reaching the top 1, the player will be given a reward
It also has its premium area
with 3 BOSS 2 panels to report a player and another one of skins
this game is to share with your friends it is also available for xbox the game still contains bug but little by little they will be solved
minimum capacity of 15 players
in the future it is planned to add more areas such as vip pets promocodes a weapons upgrade store equipment game modes
in a next update more complete information will be uploaded
Thank you :wave:
PLAY: NEW MODO 🎉|sobrevive al !GIGANTE¡ - Roblox
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