Value directly to the player's instance

Hello, is it possible to add a value/table of values to a player’s instance without IntValue, StringValue, etc? I am making a shooting game, when a player first joined the game, they will have a menu GUI where a “Play” button is at, when the play button is pressed, the player will be teleported. If the player died, I want to check if that player has already clicked the play button, if so teleport it to a random spawn location.

ummm sorry can you clearify your question?

Is it possible to add a value or tables of value inside a player’s instance without using any Intvalue, StringValue, etc? I’m making a shooting game where if the player has first joined the game, a menu GUI will appear. Inside the menu, is a “Play” button where if the player clicked it, they will be teleported to a random location so they can fight another player. Once they died, I want to check if they already clicked the Play button if so then let the player spawn, so they don’t need to click the play button every time they died (which is annoying). Is this much clear?

ok so to make the player not click play button every time they die just go the the screengui of ur play gui and disable resetonspawn for the values of tables of value i dont get what you mean by that

I also made a RE and SS connection which does work but I’m afraid that it may not be that secured and exploiters can just fire spam the event.

do you mean like instead of using int values use tables?

debounce…use debounce so that it wont fire thousands of time a second

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You could try simply storing said player’s name in a table inside whatever script you use for deployment, then check if the player’s name is in the table when they respawn. I don’t know why you’d try to store the data in the instance just like that, it takes longer to set up and use.