Values of table changing after added to another table

local tableofspecificationnames = {
	["Description"] = "",
	["OS"] = "",
	["RAM"] = "16GB",
	["DisplaySize"] = "",
	["DisplayClarity"] = "8K",
	["Warranty"] = "1Y",
	["Processor"] = "SpeedCPU"

local currenttableoflaptopscatalog = {}
local currenttableoflaptopprocatalog = {}

local function getneworder(description,idofdevice)
	local idforram = rng:NextInteger(1,7)
	tableofspecificationnames["RAM"] = tableofram[idforram]
	tableofspecificationnames["Processor"] = tableofprocessor[rng:NextInteger(1,#tableofprocessor)]
	tableofspecificationnames["DisplaySize"] = tableofdisplaysize[rng:NextInteger(1,#tableofdisplaysize)]
	tableofspecificationnames["DisplayClarity"] = tableofdisplayclarity[rng:NextInteger(1,#tableofdisplayclarity)]
	tableofspecificationnames["OS"] = tableofos[rng:NextInteger(1,#tableofos)]
	tableofspecificationnames["Warranty"] = tableofwarranty[rng:NextInteger(1,#tableofwarranty)]
	tableofspecificationnames["Description"] = description
	if idofdevice == 1 then
	elseif idofdevice == 2 then

getneworder("Laptop for Personal",1)

And this is individual print result

["Description"] = "wBook - PRO",
["DisplayClarity"] = "1440P",
["DisplaySize"] = "Big",
["OS"] = "Laptop Regular OS",
["Processor"] = "SpeedCPU",
["RAM"] = "32GB",
["Warranty"] = "2Y"

But when u add these into a table
and print the table at last
This is the result

                  [1] =  ▼  {
                       ["Description"] = "Laptop - PRO",
                       ["DisplayClarity"] = "4K",
                       ["DisplaySize"] = "Small",
                       ["OS"] = "Regular OS",
                       ["Processor"] = "PRO CPU",
                       ["RAM"] = "16GB",
                       ["Warranty"] = "3Y"
                    [2] =  ▼  {
                       ["Description"] = "Laptop - PRO",
                       ["DisplayClarity"] = "4K",
                       ["DisplaySize"] = "Small",
                       ["OS"] = "Regular OS",
                       ["Processor"] = "PRO CPU",
                       ["RAM"] = "16GB",
                       ["Warranty"] = "3Y"
                    } - Server

Its adding same value tables into the table, and its not adding the table which was printed, and seems to be added

ChatGPT solved this, thank you

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