Vehicle wheel issues

I’m trying to make a car with mesh wheels for aesthetics and invisible cylinders for the real wheels. I welded the mesh wheels to another part of the car and that works, but I’m trying to make the orientation of the wheels match the real wheels. Making the wheels match the real wheel’s orientation ever second isn’t good performance wise, so I don’t know how else I would accomplish this.

Any help would be appreciated. :smile:


Do you have an example of what it currently does or looks like? This will help get a better / picture or understanding of what you may be trying to accomplish.

From reading the post, however, personally what I would do is possibly make an attachment/bond with the aesthetic wheels, to the invisible cylinders. Sort of like how when I animate guns, I would creat motor6Ds/welds for the gun, and any other moving part of the gun would be a motor6D that is still connected to the gun model itself, but I am able to animate it.

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The cover wheels are the fake mesh wheels which are welded to the base of the car. The A, B, AA, and BB wheels are the real cylinder wheels. Right now the cover wheels don’t rotate with the real wheels, which I’m trying to accomplish without too much lag.