VFX / Scripting Help (Tool based abilities)

Small Ability Snippet

if (name == "LightningBeam" and actionCheck(values)) then
		attack(character, 10, 0.5, 150, Animations.Mantra["LightningBeam"], 0, 10, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, "ElectricShock", "ElectricHit", 0.2, false, false, false, -15)

		local lightningBeam = rs.Particles.LightningBeam:Clone()
		local leftArm = character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm") or character:FindFirstChild("LeftArm")

		if leftArm then
			lightningBeam.Parent = leftArm

			-- Recursive function to weld all descendants
			local function weldDescendants(part, parent)
				for _, descendant in ipairs(part:GetDescendants()) do
					if descendant:IsA("BasePart") then
						local weld = Instance.new("Weld")
						weld.Part0 = parent
						weld.Part1 = descendant
						weld.C0 = parent.CFrame:inverse() * descendant.CFrame
						weld.Parent = parent

			-- Weld the main part and all descendants
			local mainWeld = Instance.new("Weld")
			mainWeld.Part0 = leftArm
			mainWeld.Part1 = lightningBeam
			mainWeld.C0 = CFrame.new(0, 0, 0) -- Adjust this CFrame to position the LightningBeam as needed
			mainWeld.Parent = leftArm

			weldDescendants(lightningBeam, lightningBeam)

			-- Ensure the attachments are parented correctly to the cloned LightningBeam part
			for _, attachment in ipairs(lightningBeam:GetChildren()) do
				if attachment:IsA("Attachment") then
					attachment.Parent = lightningBeam

			-- Emit particle effects if any
			if lightningBeam:FindFirstChildOfClass("ParticleEmitter") then

			Debris:AddItem(lightningBeam, 2)
			warn("Left Arm not found!")

Made this ability with my base understanding of front end VFX production with scripting, and a bit of AI, so its really not that good, but essentially I have a part in replicated storage, with 2 attachments in it, these attachments contain the VFX including particles and a beam, when the ability is fired, attack(character, 10, 0.5, 150, Animations.Mantra["LightningBeam"], 0, 10, 0.5, 0.3, 0.4, "ElectricShock", "ElectricHit", 0.2, false, false, false, -15) works fine based on a previous function, however I want the beam I have in replicated storage to weld to the players arm, and shoot forward, but have been unsuccessful thus far, any help would be awesome!