ViewportFrames do not render meshes

I am using a ViewportFrame to have a player Avatar, however, the dummy model’s hair does not seem to appear in the ViewportFrame, despite being present in the model. I’ve heard other issues about ViewportFrames not displaying SpecialMeshes, is there a workaround to this?

Is the hair an Accessory? I’m aware that accessories don’t render if I’m not mistaken.

Yes, how would I get by this issue then?

This has happened to me once, but have you parented the model to workspace first before putting the model in storage (I assume that is where it is)?

Meshes definitely do render, it’s just might be the fact that physics do not render.

It has to do with accessories re-adjusting when they are placed in a model without being in the proper location prior (using physics). However, the viewport does not do this, so they must be re-adjusted beforehand, hench putting the model in workspace before storage.

Ex. of it working (Hair/hat accessory).

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