Visual Indicator for Disabled Scripts

I was thinking the same thing with the Discord color blind friendly mode. Nice recreation btw.

This is true! In studio, while you can adjust the color of most things, I donā€™t see things relating to changing symbols. That being said, why donā€™t they put ā€œcolorblind modeā€ or something to that effect onto studio?


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Its a good idea, the most we can go for. The least we could go for is a color blind friendly icon for everyone instead of a color blind friendly mode.

@200Ethan creates module disabled property request


This is a great idea, creating a visual indicator for disabled scrips will save us from a lot of hassle in the future. Thereā€™s been numerous times Iā€™ve spent far too long trying to fix something in my code when the real problem was that I had the script disabled!

However, I have to agree with the general consensus that the icon is not dark enough. At a glance, it can be difficult to distinguish the two colours.

Should be changed to something else, Like it says (Disabled) or a red dot or something, Itā€™s kinda hard to see a bit since its almost the same color as the enabled color on some screens, Iā€™ve mistaken it as a enabled script a couple of times.

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Half-conscious, long nights of painfully debugging new code, only to discover you intelligently disabled something: you will be missed :heart:

Does anybody experience this when they see a disabled script?

I definitely think it would be useful to have something more prevalent such as a cross on the icon.


Great idea, but it couldā€™ve had a better execution. The colour of a disabled script isnā€™t too much different from an enabled script so you canā€™t really distinguish it at first glance. It would be much better if there was a red circle with a cross in it overlayed over the icon, or something similar.

Countless times I have accidentally disabled a script and spending hours trying to figure out what went wrong, then I realize I accidentally disabled a script. Iā€™m glad this change made it through to Roblox Studio.

Solves an excellent amount of problems with getting help from Discord communities. I canā€™t tell you how much peopleā€™s time I wasted just by a disabled script. Disabled scripts are now angry over this update, because they canā€™t troll people anymore when the host machine is confused. (basically you)

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Iā€™m a little late on this but itā€™s really helpful; before this, I had to enable the AreScriptStartsReported setting. It also worked, but it would sometimes spam out any useful data printed for debugging so it wasnā€™t ideal.

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Feel like they should aswell do this for Ui Frames (is Visible), ScreenGuis (is Enabled) SurfaceGuis (is Enabled) and billboards (is Enabled) Would be an very appriciated feature!


I recommend making a feature request on this in the required format in Studio Features, that suggestion might get lost here


Thats maybe one of the most brilliant ideas Iā€™ve read today, But Iā€™m pretty sure it will be hard to make, and can color blind people use studio? You need to use colors in blocks etc. So, while it is a really good idea, I donā€™t think they should make it. No offense to you in any way.

Color blind people donā€™t see small differences between colors, like blue-purple, green-red and yellow-orange. So I can design things, but seeing the difference is pretty hard for me :slight_smile:

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Oh, okay thank you for telling me, I was unaware of these details, I change my mind, this would be a good change to the studio. Thanks for the help! :smiley:

Colorblind people can absolutely use studio. Iā€™ve had issues with a few things.

  1. Obviously the disabling of scripts in studio
  2. Lighting. I at least (canā€™t speak for other colorblind people as there are variations) have issues seeing the slight differences in lighting from spot lights, surface lights and other light sources.

For the most part, I donā€™t have an issue with studio. Of course I donā€™t build so that might make it a bit better. :slight_smile:

Thanks for asking!